Take Your Power Back Thursday

Take Your Power Back Thursday

More Labels to Read
Take Your Power Back Thursday #58
Julie Michelson
June 30, 2022
I wanted to share something that just happened to me.
Because, if it happens to me, it is likely to happen to you!

I was talking with a client the other day about clean household products.  He is doing great work cleaning up his toxin exposure.
He asked me what dish soap I use.

I have been using the same dish soap for several years.  I had researched, and this product was graded clean by EGW (Environmental Working Group), I bought it, liked it, and have been using it ever since.

I was about to tell him the brand name, and I got the urge to grab the bottle.
I turned it around and read the label...
HOLY MOLY!!!  They had changed the ingredients!
I had to look three times, because I was seeing sodium laurel sulfate in the list.
I work hard to avoid this in all of my products!!!

I went straight back to EWG.org and looked it up again...
Yup...clean rating...
...in 2015!

They took a clean product and added in ingredients that should be avoided.

So...I wanted to share the lesson with you.

I know I talk a lot about reading labels...

You have to read your labels....frequently.

The moral of this story is to periodically check your trusted products, foods, and brands.
Companies are constantly changing ingredients in their products and you want to be aware of what you are using or eating.

This is your gentle reminder...from me, to you...

Take Action

Double check the products that you have been using for a  while and make sure they still meet your standards!

Your Autoimmune Coach,
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Filed under: Detox
Last updated:  MST
More Labels to Read
Take Your Power Back Thursday #58
Julie Michelson
June 30, 2022
I wanted to share something that just happened to me.
Because, if it happens to me, it is likely to happen to you!

I was talking with a client the other day about clean household products.  He is doing great work cleaning up his toxin exposure.
He asked me what dish soap I use.

I have been using the same dish soap for several years.  I had researched, and this product was graded clean by EGW (Environmental Working Group), I bought it, liked it, and have been using it ever since.

I was about to tell him the brand name, and I got the urge to grab the bottle.
I turned it around and read the label...
HOLY MOLY!!!  They had changed the ingredients!
I had to look three times, because I was seeing sodium laurel sulfate in the list.
I work hard to avoid this in all of my products!!!

I went straight back to EWG.org and looked it up again...
Yup...clean rating...
...in 2015!

They took a clean product and added in ingredients that should be avoided.

So...I wanted to share the lesson with you.

I know I talk a lot about reading labels...

You have to read your labels....frequently.

The moral of this story is to periodically check your trusted products, foods, and brands.
Companies are constantly changing ingredients in their products and you want to be aware of what you are using or eating.

This is your gentle reminder...from me, to you...

Take Action

Double check the products that you have been using for a  while and make sure they still meet your standards!

Your Autoimmune Coach,
Divider Text
Filed under: Detox
Last updated: 
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