Take Your Power Back Thursday

Take Your Power Back Thursday

The Dirty Dozen
Take Your Power Back Thursday #11
Julie Michelson
June 24, 2021
How do you decide when to eat organic and when to eat conventional?

It isn't always possible, or practical to buy all organic produce.

Are you familiar with the Environmental Working Group?

They are one of my favorite resources when it comes to limiting toxins and living as clean as possible.

Every year they publish a list called "The Dirty Dozen" that ranks the most chemical, and pesticide-laden foods of that year in the United States.

These are the foods that I recommend to avoid consuming conventional.

Here is where it is worth spending your money on organic!

Celery, for example, is a frequent flyer on the dirty dozen list.

This is concerning, because the celery juice craze has grown over the past few years.

While celery juice can be health supporting, if using conventional celery, the risks may certainly outweigh the benefits.

Many summertime favorites are on the list this year.

It is the perfect time to check and see if there are foods you want to be more intentional regarding purchasing organic vs. conventional.

Take Action

Take two minutes and check out The Dirty Dozen today to decide which foods are worth the extra expense of buying organic.

That's it! Simple!
Your Autoimmune Coach,
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Filed under: Food
Last updated: July 15, 2022 1:03 am MST
The Dirty Dozen
Take Your Power Back Thursday #11
Julie Michelson
June 24, 2021
How do you decide when to eat organic and when to eat conventional?

It isn't always possible, or practical to buy all organic produce.

Are you familiar with the Environmental Working Group?

They are one of my favorite resources when it comes to limiting toxins and living as clean as possible.

Every year they publish a list called "The Dirty Dozen" that ranks the most chemical, and pesticide-laden foods of that year in the United States.

These are the foods that I recommend to avoid consuming conventional.

Here is where it is worth spending your money on organic!

Celery, for example, is a frequent flyer on the dirty dozen list.

This is concerning, because the celery juice craze has grown over the past few years.

While celery juice can be health supporting, if using conventional celery, the risks may certainly outweigh the benefits.

Many summertime favorites are on the list this year.

It is the perfect time to check and see if there are foods you want to be more intentional regarding purchasing organic vs. conventional.

Take Action

Take two minutes and check out The Dirty Dozen today to decide which foods are worth the extra expense of buying organic.

That's it! Simple!
Your Autoimmune Coach,
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Filed under: Food
Last updated: July 15, 2022 1:03 am
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