Take Your Power Back Thursday

Take Your Power Back Thursday

Poop like a puppy
Take Your Power Back Thursday #66
Julie Michelson
August 25, 2022
Do you know the difference between "normal" and "optimal" bathroom habits?

It is unfortunate that in some circles it is considered "normal" to poop between 3 times a week and 3 times a day.
The functional medicine approach disagrees!!  We should be pooping daily.

If you poop less than daily, that is not optimal, even if it is normal for you.
You should not experience any discomfort or straining when you go to the bathroom.

Why should you care?
Our digestive tract is a major detox pathway.  When working optimally, we are moving our bowels one to three times daily.
That's DAILY, not WEEKLY!
This is how we eliminate toxins, bacteria, and undigested plant matter.

This is what I mean by poop like a puppy.  Food In = Food Out!

The top two reasons for pooping less than daily are dehydration and a low fiber diet.
Some medications and supplements can also cause constipation or low bowel motility.

Step one is to make sure you are getting plenty of water!!!  Consider your fiber intake.

If you experience regular diarrhea, it may be a sign of a food sensitivity or intolerance, or a gut imbalance.
When the gut is moving too quickly, nutrients aren't getting absorbed and it can also lead to dehydration.

I won't go into detail here, but if you want to know what healthy stool looks like, check out the Bristol Stool Chart and know that ideal is a type 3 or type 4.
You can learn a lot about your health from your stool.

Take Action

Track your bathroom habits.  How often are you going?  Do you need to increase your water or fiber?  Become aware!!

Your Autoimmune Coach,
Divider Text
Filed under: Detox
Last updated: September 6, 2022 6:24 pm MST
Poop like a puppy
Take Your Power Back Thursday #66
Julie Michelson
August 25, 2022
Do you know the difference between "normal" and "optimal" bathroom habits?

It is unfortunate that in some circles it is considered "normal" to poop between 3 times a week and 3 times a day.
The functional medicine approach disagrees!!  We should be pooping daily.

If you poop less than daily, that is not optimal, even if it is normal for you.
You should not experience any discomfort or straining when you go to the bathroom.

Why should you care?
Our digestive tract is a major detox pathway.  When working optimally, we are moving our bowels one to three times daily.
That's DAILY, not WEEKLY!
This is how we eliminate toxins, bacteria, and undigested plant matter.

This is what I mean by poop like a puppy.  Food In = Food Out!

The top two reasons for pooping less than daily are dehydration and a low fiber diet.
Some medications and supplements can also cause constipation or low bowel motility.

Step one is to make sure you are getting plenty of water!!!  Consider your fiber intake.

If you experience regular diarrhea, it may be a sign of a food sensitivity or intolerance, or a gut imbalance.
When the gut is moving too quickly, nutrients aren't getting absorbed and it can also lead to dehydration.

I won't go into detail here, but if you want to know what healthy stool looks like, check out the Bristol Stool Chart and know that ideal is a type 3 or type 4.
You can learn a lot about your health from your stool.

Take Action

Track your bathroom habits.  How often are you going?  Do you need to increase your water or fiber?  Become aware!!

Your Autoimmune Coach,
Divider Text
Filed under: Detox
Last updated: September 6, 2022 6:24 pm
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