Take Your Power Back Thursday

Take Your Power Back Thursday

Summer Sleep
Take Your Power Back Thursday #60
Julie Michelson
July 14, 2022
In the summer there are multiple factors that may negatively impact our sleep.

We are naturally wired to sleep when the sun goes down and wake when it rises.
With the longer days and shorter nights, it takes extra effort to be sure we are getting enough good-quality sleep during the summer months.

Blackout curtains on your bedroom windows will keep the sun from waking you too early in the morning, allowing you to clock the right amount of restorative sleep.
An eye mask can be an affordable work around to keep the sunlight out of your eyes.
Sticking to your pre-bedtime routine will support you in getting your zzz's.

Depending on where you live, it might be hot, hot, hot! 🔥☀️🔥

Keeping your bedroom cool is essential for a good night's sleep!
*A room temp of 65 degrees Fahrenheit, or cooler, is ideal (when possible).
*If you don't have air conditioning, a good fan can help.
*Taking a cool or cold shower before bed can help cool you down.
*Cooling items such a pillows and mattress toppers can be helpful.
*Consider ditching the PJ's and sleeping in the nude to stay cool.

Sticking to a routine bedtime may take extra effort in the summer, but the results are worth it!

So, enjoy that extra daylight and get outside...and then, protect your sleep!

Take Action

Incorporate some of the suggestions above and protect your summertime sleep!
Extra Credit:  Hit reply and share with me your favorite summertime sleep hacks.
Your Autoimmune Coach,
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Filed under: Sleep
Last updated:  MST
Summer Sleep
Take Your Power Back Thursday #60
Julie Michelson
July 14, 2022
In the summer there are multiple factors that may negatively impact our sleep.

We are naturally wired to sleep when the sun goes down and wake when it rises.
With the longer days and shorter nights, it takes extra effort to be sure we are getting enough good-quality sleep during the summer months.

Blackout curtains on your bedroom windows will keep the sun from waking you too early in the morning, allowing you to clock the right amount of restorative sleep.
An eye mask can be an affordable work around to keep the sunlight out of your eyes.
Sticking to your pre-bedtime routine will support you in getting your zzz's.

Depending on where you live, it might be hot, hot, hot! 🔥☀️🔥

Keeping your bedroom cool is essential for a good night's sleep!
*A room temp of 65 degrees Fahrenheit, or cooler, is ideal (when possible).
*If you don't have air conditioning, a good fan can help.
*Taking a cool or cold shower before bed can help cool you down.
*Cooling items such a pillows and mattress toppers can be helpful.
*Consider ditching the PJ's and sleeping in the nude to stay cool.

Sticking to a routine bedtime may take extra effort in the summer, but the results are worth it!

So, enjoy that extra daylight and get outside...and then, protect your sleep!

Take Action

Incorporate some of the suggestions above and protect your summertime sleep!
Extra Credit:  Hit reply and share with me your favorite summertime sleep hacks.
Your Autoimmune Coach,
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Filed under: Sleep
Last updated: 
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